Smáfuglar ( 2 Birds) received The Jury Award from the "art-foundation Sachsen-Anhalt" and The people's choice award at the 10th SHORTMOVES festival in Halle, Germany.
Smáfuglar (2 Birds/little Birds) got the Special Jury Prize at International Short and Animation Film Festival OPEN CINEMA in Saint-Petersburg, Russia MORE INFO
Smafuglar (2 Birds)is in theofficial selection of the 10th SHORTMOVES festival from September 17th - 18th,2010 in the LUX Kino am Zoo and the PUSCHKINo in Halle, Germany. MORE INFO
"Smafuglar" is in the Main competition of the International short & animation film festival OPEN CINEMA 2010 that is held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, , 3-12 September, MORE INFO
Smáfuglar has been selected to the 2nd Festival International de Cinéma de Vernon (Vernon, Normandy, France), which will take place from the 1st and the 4th of july 2010. MORE INFO