The 20th São Paulo International Short Film Festival announced the names of ten international films selected by the public, chosen after each session. Smafuglar (2 Birds) is one of those top ten. MORE INFO
Smafuglar ( 2 Birds) is in the official selection of the 6th SEDICICORTO International Film Festival that takes place in Forlì , Italy between 5-10-2009 and 11-10-2009.
Smafuglar ( 2 Birds) is in the official selection of the 8th edition of Concorto Film Festival, which will take place in Pontenure (Piacenza) from the 23rd to the 30th of August 2009 MORE INFO
Runar Runarsson’s film 2 birds won the Audience Award at 5th Kinemastik Short Film Fest in Malta. Kinemastik waves congrats to Mr Runarsson from the rock!
Smafuglar ( 2 Birds) is in the official selection of the 9th Cortopotere ShortFilmFestival that takes place in Auditorium Piazza della Libertà - Bergamo Italy between 25 - 31 of october 2009 MORE INFO
2 Birds (Smafuglar) received 2 awards at The 12th Festival Inventa un Film Lenola that toke place between July 29th- August 2th in Italy. Best Director award to Runar Runarsson and Best Actor Award to Atli Oskar Fjalarsson MORE INFO
We are pleased to announce that the 4th International Festival of Short Films Mas Sorrir has shared the prize that for best short film of the festival by two works : Smáfuglar and The Ataque de los robots de nebulosa